mazes created
biggest size maze
of walk ways created
wrong turns made
Creating a fun and unique space to bring your message across and give your customer a great experience along the way makes for an amazing event all round. Theming of our mazes are completely up to you, from the concept, activities in a central space, multiple spaces, lighting, props, the possibilities are endless. Here are just a few themes our mazes have been used for.
Here are just some of the various mazes we have created over the years.
John Lynn
The themes and ways to utilize a maze are endless and since they are fun for all ages, can be used in almost any setting. Whether you’re running a charity fundraiser, corporate event or private garden party, the possibilities are endless.
Using our RentaHedge planters, this has enabled us to re-create fully living hedge mazes anywhere in the country to give a real life traditional hedge maze set up within a few hours of arrival! For some inspiration, check out the video or view some of our case studies here.
We work with a range of nurseries to bring you the best plants, hedging and trees on the market in terms of quality, health and cost.
Atari’s fourth video game, Gotcha, released in 1973, had players chase each other through a black-and-white maze.